ReGen Therapy Therapeutic Shower Head Relaxes Your Neck
Most of the office workers have several problems with their cervical vertebra, thus designer Richard Beien brought this neck-comforted ReGenTherapy Therapeutic Shower onto market, hoping to help us relieve the pain.
By utilizing H20kinetic technology, the showerhead looks like a phone, the handset on both sides and handle in the middle can run water and you can switch it by putting the button. Therefore, when taking the shower, you can switch the middle that runs water from the middle of the shower panel, and then hang it one your neck( the handle is bendable and can fit tightly to your neck). Under the dual effect of water pressure and temperature, neck will get kneaded and relaxed.
ReGenTherapy utilizes a variety of features to maximize its fuction. Between the chip toggle switch, ball joint hose connection, and weighted chrome ends, ReGen re-introduces showering to the average person.
At first, the shower panel take information about your body temperature and determinate the best water temperature for you. When the shower panel detects you are under it, it will start to drop water on you.
When you aren’t under the water, the shower starts to drop water vapor to keep your body temperature. Finally, when you are going to clean the soap, stand under the shower panel, the water starts to drop again.
By far, I believe you are obsessed with these two "health assistant". So am I. But if you are not intersted in, don't worry. How about the shower panels that offer you a chance to listen to music while taking showers? Sounds awesome, right? Go ahead to explore on your own.
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